About Me

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im fatty gurl.crazy n lazy gurl.i like cekodok so much.it so easy 2 do it.i like lolipop 2 n don 4get ma ice cream k.hehee..im the bigger loser.omg..i love that story about.the bigger become small. hehee.n i wat 2 be smaller one..can i? im not talkactive but im always laugh wif ma fwens.hahahaa.syok o0o..

Followers cekodok

Saturday, June 27, 2009


hye there..hehe..niew la i shimot cekodok..lazy n fatty gurl.the bigger become smaller..hehehe..
small kew.tgk same jew.im from lolipop city..n stay kat cekodok house.hehee..i suke mngarut klau bosan glew babi.klau kat skowl suke kcau owg.klau kat umah suke melalak kat telinga adek..hehehe..best aw..diew x mara cume lmpang jew.hehehe...klau ktewowg gado smpai tmbuk2 bntal..abez bantal pecah coz kne tmbuk ngan kteowg.dahsyat x..hehee...so ini la saya..
sungguh kejam bak pepatah ini"tumbuk kayu batu yg dpat rase".hehehee..
nonsen jew lbih..

yg ini kwn2 yg di sygi..hehe..dowg best aw.blah kiri 2 name diew hanys.she appy good lucky..mmng best aw.she ma best fwens..so i appy wif her.yg tgh 2 dazzel.ultramarin.hehehe..diew niew klau mara wow ayat dri mulut diew msti pedas.hehee..

n i dh kne jngkit dri diew.hehehe..sowie dazzel.yg blah kanan 2 ultrayanot..diew best fwens dazzel.best kwn ngan diew..diew lazy gurl like me..but diew pndai aw.jgn maen2.hehehe..

yg ini ma sweetheart.hehe..hensem kew??hrmm..ntah la.sumtime diew niew suke wat owg sakit aty..nk jew tgglkan diew.bwu pdan mukew..hehehe..tapi syg diew sgt kowt..n susah nk ckp..ntah la.i xsuke text ngan diew msti jew adew yg xpuas aty..dh la text pndek blas lmbt.hahahaa..bilew owg majok bkn nk pujuk.aduh..tnsion jew.huuuhuu..i syg diew smpai x thu nk ckp apew..kwn2 dh pnat dgr mngadu dri i ttg diew..dowg sume ckp tgglkn diew biar diew la n blabla..tp susah la nk tgglkn..jujur ckp syg btol2 same diew.hehehe..sowie yew kwn ku.

me n ma crazy cousin.time niew kteowg bwu blik dri pd.diew ajak maen makeup2..so i n diew pown maen lowh..i igt diew makeup lawa2..coz diew dh promise nk makeup cntik.rupe yew buruk..mcm joker kn.tr0k btol..tp time niew mmng enjoy la.coz kteowg gelak smpai kne mara ngan mak i.hehehee...

hye bapa2 ku.selamat ary bapa yew.time niew fmly i n fmly cousin share duit nk bli kek 2 smbut ary bapa kat pd.best time niew.bapa2 sgt sronok skali.slalu yew kami smbut ary ibu x smbut ary bapa so tahun niew kteowg nk smbut ary bapa skali.bg dowg terharu mcm ibu.hehee..lpas abez party niew.kteowg blh bodek ayah.hahaha..

niew jew yg dpat wat..pnat la.n malas kowt.hehehe..

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