About Me

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im fatty gurl.crazy n lazy gurl.i like cekodok so much.it so easy 2 do it.i like lolipop 2 n don 4get ma ice cream k.hehee..im the bigger loser.omg..i love that story about.the bigger become small. hehee.n i wat 2 be smaller one..can i? im not talkactive but im always laugh wif ma fwens.hahahaa.syok o0o..

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Friday, July 10, 2009

sedih2..tp ary niew kne appy..coz klau sedih lg sakit aty..
lupa kn diew..
td aku gi 2syen..
aku tnggu teacher pnyer la lme..
nasib baek la nara adew tman kan aku..
aku tnggu ngan nara lame..
mule2 ckp kul 9 pas2 trus x jd..time aku nk gi class jew msti xjd..
hari 2 time add math.mcm 2 gak.aku dtg tgk xdew class.hehehe..tp skunk aku dh brhenti dri add math..lgpown sir ajar cpt la.
aku x paham sgt..hehehee..nsib baek adew bapak.

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